About Us

--- Resultant Accademy ---

Resultant academy of engineering established in 2011,the basic objective of establishing this institute is neither commercial nor merely to earn a livehood
motive is to satisfy the inner urge of dedicating oneself to sincere academic pursuit and to guide the eager young student with a missionary zeal, and to enhance their
worthiness and imbibe the noble values of life in their respective minds not by empty words but by one's own example. Based in Mumbra, Dist. Thane for past 12 years we
helped more than 500 engineers to achieve their dreams

--- Key Features ---

❖ Experienced and talented faculties. (Toppers of Engineering streams & industry professionals)

❖ Quality of teaching with 100% passing assistance.

❖ AC classroom with needful amenities.

❖ Regular lectures.

❖ Regular test series.

❖ Students progress monitoring process with reports.

❖ Review meeting with parents.

❖ Free study material.

❖ Personal attention.

❖Assured discounts and scholarship. (student reward mechanism)